Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Incredible ... a worthy read

Outside Magazine, July 2010

The Killer in the Pool
Last February, when a 12,000-pound orca named Tilikum dragged his SeaWorld trainer into the pool and drowned her, it was the third time the big killer whale had been involved in a death. Many observers wondered why the animal was still working. But some experts, knowing the psychological toll of a life spent in captivity, have posed a darker question: Was it human error, or can a killer whale choose to kill?

By Tim Zimmermann

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

American's hooked on plastic

Only 7.1 percent of our plastic waste was recycled in 2008, according to the latest data from the Environmental Protection Agency.

By weight, that means that out of 30.05 million tons of plastic waste generated that year, nearly 28 million tons ended up in the trash heap. That's the equivalent of 366,000 Boeing 737s, according to calculations by Waste Management.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Be Green - Step 1

Step 1 - STOP buying plastic bottles!

Immediately. No more. Seriously.

When you leave your house, will you want a drink of water before returning? 
Most likely, YES.  Then take it with you!

- Buy a Klean Kanteen or a Nalgene bottle ... or something safe and carry it with you!
- Do NOT use a plastic water bottle and keep refilling it.  These plastic bottles are full of BPA and will continue to leak poisons into your water.
- Americans throw out 38 billion empty water bottles a year, more than $1 million worth of plastic. 
(Fast Company, December 2007)

    Be Green - Step 2

    Step 2 - STOP using plastic bags from the grocery store!

    Spend the 50 cents and buy one.  Seriously.
    No more plastic bags.

    Toss a few recycle bags in your vehicle ... they will be there for those quick stops at the Grocery store, or Walgreen's, or Hallmark ... or wherever you shop.  AND USE THEM.

    - Worldwide, human beings use more than 1 trillion plastic shopping bags in a year
    - Every reusable bag bought or distributed prevents about 400 plastic bags from being used. (Surf Rider Foundation)
    - Every 13 plastic bags saved equals enough petroleum to drive a car one mile. (Surf Rider Foundation)

      Be Green - Step 3

      Step 3 - STOP using paper towels everywhere you go!

      Immediately.  No more.  Seriously.

      Buy a People Towel and carry it ... and re-use it!
      Many moons ago people carried a hankie - get back to it!

      The use of disposable paper towels is having a devastative impact on the environment.  
      - to make 1 ton of paper towels, 17 trees and 20,000 gallons of water are polluted
      - everyday, over 3,000 tons of paper towel waste is produced in the US alone
      - decomposing paper towels produce methane gas, a leading cause of global warming
      - the average person uses 2,400-3,000 paper towels at work, in a given year